What are our goals ?
To focus on E.U. countries economic growth as a top priority
- To resume growth despite such abnormal, awkward BRexit situation
- BRexit turns out to be incredibly costly for the world economies, for the E.U and unveils a ridiculous, self-inflicted recession for the UK !
- Meanwhile, english remains the common tool for computer science, programming, scientific innovation and economic progress worldwide!
To Set english as "official common language" in the E.U.
- This website continues to suggest that all Europeans should officially acknowledge the importance of english in their daily life, in education, the medias, in their work and leisure time - regardless of BRexit !
- Starting top down from the European Commission, here is a simple recommendation:
- The E.U. Commission should adopt key measures so the E.U. is more attractive for the UK, such as :
- Adopt the english language as "official common language" across the E.U.
- Require every member state to become officially bi-lingual by 2020, english + national language
- The long term goal of this website is to reach 100% english-speakers by 2020 across the E.U., espescially member states in Southern Europe and Western Europe which are still below 50% english-speakers as illustrated in the E.U. map :

Useful Links
pleasedontgouk.com ... HUG-a-BRIT.com

Link : www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language_in_Europe
Source: Wikipedia